August 6, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Oh my gosh.


How do I start?

Suffering from a terrible title and a worse tagline, this movie didn’t even get a nice trailer which may explain all the confusion.

But let me tell you as clearly as I can:

This movie is sincerely great. Hell yeah. Not just great for an action movie. Not just great for a prequel. Honest to God, great awesome!

Andy Serkins is an incredible actor as he forces you to become emotionally invested in Caesar, and definitely deserves an award. The CGI was outstanding, flawless in my opinion.

James Franco and Frieda Pinto provided good performances.. plus they are both gorgeous.

Tom Felton aka Draco Malfoy made me hate his character (as usual?).. he really portrays bad roles effectively!

See this film. It’s touching, action packed and well developed. It was excellent. Really glad they pulled it off. They were even able to connect it well with the older movies.

There’s an undercurrent of animal rights to it, and by the end you’ll be rooting for the apes.

I can say this movie is epic. It took me by surprise.. Not for the kids though. It’s legit scary. Haha.

Best touching and remarkable scene in the movie:

"Caesar is home."

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