August 20, 2011

Bad Emo

I love myself. I love my life.. It's something I say all the time.

There are times that I allow people to get me down, times when I feel alone and hopeless, but it doesn’t last so long.

I must admit that because I have such a passion for life, being around people who despise life and think it's a complicated mess.. kinda pisses me off.

I like to think of how fortunate I am - to have the things that I have, instead of focusing on what I don’t have. I live life positively. Strangely enough, when life gets me down it usually follows a series of events that makes me smile twice as much as before.

I know someone who really bothers me lately because of being too "emo" which is for me not healthy anymore. I am really annoyed that it's getting on my nerves. What's wrong with you? Just stop it.

It frustrates me everyday to think that there are people within my age bracket who are throwing away their lives, obsessing over the most petty decisions in life. Of the 26 years that I am living, one thing I realized is that life does not get any easier. The challenges always get bigger and you always have to devise new ways to get over them.

I know that everyone is different and everyone handles situations differently. However, being exposed to what society expects, its hard to take your personality into that area of life. A professional life is completely different from a personal life and I realized that there are many things that you have to suck up and swallow to live. It may pain you and it may tear you apart but out there, people do not care how important you feel. You messed up.

Actually, money has never been the aim of my life. I love everything I do and I intend to make a living of what I love the most. I may not have the best job in the world. I may be a "pasaway" at times, but no one.. no one in this life, can ever take away my passion. My passion is like an eternal flame.. it could never be outed by a dam of water.

I think that a lot of us need to start loving life and loving where we are. There are so may “rags to riches” stories. They did not get there because they wanted money. They got there because they had a vision and a passion to be someone in life.

To the person who feel so damn "emo" for so long, please remember that life is so short to really think about one bad experience for life. Get up and move on. Just like that. Don't waste your time thinking about your mistakes and regrets. In short, don't be stupid at all. It's not healthy and your personality is at stake. You'll never know what happens tomorrow so better enjoy the day. I don't want to talk to someone who linger on the bad moments of their lives.

Live life.. that is my ultimate goal in life. To always make a do what I love.

Always look at the brightside.

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