May 3, 2012

How to Complete a Korean Visa Application Form

How to Complete a Korean Visa Application Form

Please make sure to complete all sections. Your application will be assessed based on the documentation submitted.  Failure to provide complete, truthful and accurate information may result in your application being refused. Read all the instructions carefully before you begin to complete the application forms.  Fill in the forms carefully and completely. Please use a typewriter or print clearly in black ink. 

If there is not enough space to complete any of the sections, please attach an additional sheet. Write “N/A” if a section is not applicable. Do not leave blanks. For applicants with a visa issuance number, print the number on the top of the application.
For E-1, E-2, E3, and E-7 visa applicants, provide the full names and complete addresses of post-secondary schools attended.
Please note that unsigned visa applications will not be accepted.

Section    Notes
1~2         Print all names as they appear on the passport. Do not use initials.
5             If the applicant has more than one nationality, print them all.
6             Provide city and province of birth place.
7             Provide passport number.
8             If the applicant has a diplomatic or an official passport, please check the mark.
9 ~12       Provide passport information in detail. Please print Year/Month/Date. Applicant’s passport must be valid for at least 6 months.
14~15      If these sections are not applicable, write “N/A.”
16~18      Print the applicant’s current occupation in the country where the applicant has been living.
22            Provide a current mailing address, including the postal code and province. Also, please print an e-mail address and cell phone number if available.
23            Provide the name and number of a hotel where the applicant plans to stay.  For working visa applicants, print the recruiter’s contact number, including mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, and web site (if available).
24            Write down all previous visits. (please include details.)
25            If applicable, specify all previous Korean visas received and include the years they were issued.
31            Provide the name of a guarantor or reference person.  For working visa applicants, print the prospective employer’s contact number, including mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, and web site (if available)

 Application form can be found here -->

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