April 1, 2012

That Kind of Spark

After this party, people are asking me what happened to "us".

I just laughed. Well because nothing happened. 

My friends keep asking me that we really have chemistry and we so fit together. What else can I say? Oh yeah. Of course, I agreed. He was my all-time crush at work. But I always tell them that the spark and chemistry we have will only be just like that because I know that if he likes me he would have told me beforehand. 

It's hard to keep holding on to something that isn't there in the first place. What do I  do? As usual, deal with it of course. Never assume of something that isn't going to happen. It's been years already. Thankfully, I am coping seriously better.

In end, I appreciate all of my friends' comments about our rapport but hey, he doesn't like me. That's life! We all should accept that 'cause I did already. Things have changed for good.


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