January 25, 2012


If anybody is wondering what happiness is, here it is. Laying as close as physically possible with someone you love, nothing sexual, just laying there. The intimate moments when you look into their eyes not having to say anything because you know you are both thinking the same thing. You don’t have to say, you just feel. Feeling the world and every worry melt away as they touch you in the most gentle and innocent manner. It’s the moments when you look at them and find yourself at a loss for words because even the way they breathe amazes you. Being wrapped up in their arms and feeling invincible, yet completely vulnerable. Feeling their breath glide down your neck, and their arms around your waist as you run your fingers up and down their side, stunned in complete amazement that they would be here with you. When they kiss you and blood starts rushing through your veins and butterflies feel your entire body, but in the most peaceful and calming way. Being able to close your eyes and still feel the warmth of their heart beating, believing that nothing in this world can hurt you when you are by their side. Hearing them whisper, “I love you” and needing nothing more to be said because that is exactly what you wanted to hear. These words take on a new meaning for you, grasp you in a different way because of this one person who lies next to you, showing you exactly who they are and feeling just as vulnerable. Being able to say “I love you” back and meaning it with every atom in every inch of you, that is pure happiness.

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