November 14, 2010

Moment Interrupted

"Sometimes you have to quit thinking so much if it feels right,

it probably is. So just go with it." - Sex and the City

It all started with a serious talk.

What it seem like a pretty conversation ended up with a moment that changed everything. Suddenly, I need to allow myself to think before jumping off the deep end. I have some days, where I’m a bit more lucid and can take a step back and look at things a bit more rationally. Unfortunately, those days are pretty rare. I don’t want to jeopardize my future so I need to have a plan set for myself so I don’t keep getting lost in those thoughts.

It’s all about love.

They say love comes when you least expect it. They also say love can wait.

What if love comes when you least expect it but it can’t wait?

What if you are in the moment where the thing you are longing is almost for grab?

Will you take it?

When a guy confessed about his love for you, but you know that you are not yet ready to commit, are you being numb and foolish?

I guess not. For me, it’s all about building a relationship that you know will last. Why hurry when you are still enjoying each others company. Sincerity is not a question. It’s just that – Love takes time. It’s just a matter of time – a day, a week, a month or just a single moment that will determine your answer. If he gets frustrated of waiting, just let him go.

Selfish? Hell no. Love is never fair. In the end, both will get hurt. But the decision has been made.

Just like that. The moment, heartbeat, and love – interrupted.

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